Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Reducing The Spectrum, Increasing The Versatility - A Few Tips On Controlling Your Closet!

I am in no way a fashion expert but I found a way to cut down on buying clothes, shoes, & accessories whilst making my closet extremely more versatile.

I narrowed my colors down. I found ones that complement me & that I love more than others. I picked a handful of colors for Fall/Winter, Spring/Summer & Basic/Standard colors, like black. Now I only buy items in these colors...

Charcoal Grey

Crimson Red
Ivy Green
Mustard Yellow
Spice Orange

Turquoise (Of course!)
Lavender/Orchid Purple
Raspberry Red
Sunshine Yellow
Emerald/spring Green
Blueberry Blue
Blush Pink

I know this still seems like a lot of colors but when you think of all the colors in the spectrum, narrowing it down is a must & 19 colors & 1 print is nothing! There's at least 5 different reds but Crayola Red DOES NOT look good on me! Instead, a crimson or patriotic red complements my skin tone. There is plenty of yellows but neon is not for me, same goes for purple, I just don't do the Crayola concept! lol This list knocks out half of Charming Charlies for me lol I already had to limit myself to clearance items in that store!

I really prefer the colors you find in nature... tropical beaches, sunsets, autumn leaves, wildflower fields, mountain ranges, & berry patches. I also allowed myself more Spring/Summer colors because we have way more Spring & Summer months here in Florida!!

We just cant buy heels & jewelry in every color... it really isn't sensible... I tried... I bout lost my mind & my great credit score! lol

Dresses can be a bit of a different story. The dress may have colors that arent on my "list" but there is always one color that is... So I can pair shoes & accessories...

On the topic of dresses...

I made another new rule for myself. I will now only buy dresses that are church/work appropriate & dresses I would wear out to dinner or to an event. It also needs to be comfortable, the days of itching & not being able to breath are over for me! Not that I am letting myself go, but there are comfortable & pretty dresses & to me they are worth way more than any D&G dress ever!! Honestly, any dress that looks good with my cowgirl boots is a winner in my book!! No more buying for "In the event" we go on a fancy date (Or a cruise). Most of the time when we do go on a date its to a wing or BBQ joint so I am wearing jeans & a cardigan anyways... We are just too laid back (& Cheap) to go to a fancy restaurant all the time lol Its just the kind of people we are.

Also regarding dresses, I try to follow the modesty rule... If it shows cleavage than it needs to be longer on the legs, if it shows a lot of leg then cleavage needs to be covered, & when going to church, BOTH need to be covered. This "rule" is kinda hard for me considering I have mile long legs... what looks short on me would still be a moo-moo on some of my shorter friends. Its not that I am showing more leg, the dress still covers the same on me, I just have more leg left over... if that makes sense? lol


Yes, I admit I have a few jeans with holes & distressing BUT I haven't bought a pair in a loooong time! They just aren't versatile. I like a good dark (Non-holey) jean to wear when we go out. It would have to be a sharp looking pair of jeans with a cheap price tag for me to buy them these days...


Its Florida... we buy all the shorts we can get our hands on!!!!

I hope maybe this helps someone like it did me. I was getting so frustrated with my need to match everything to the T & I was getting defeated & overwhelmed. (Because I am crazy & have OCD, so it has to match EXACTLY) Well matching is easier & more attainable now that I narrowed my spectrum & set a few guidelines!

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