Sunday, February 23, 2014


Well... We've been married a whole year! It flew by but I feel like we have been together forever! 

(This photo - explains us perfectly! I'm always trying to be proper & there he goes with a crazy face... He keeps me young! Lol) 

A lot of people have asked us what we gave each other & what we were going to do today for our anniversary... And we decided a couple weeks ago that we were just going to save money. Yep... We did nothing... Went to church & just hung out! No regrets... It's what ya gotta do sometimes... 

I did however buy Buck a new wedding band but that really wasn't for our 1 year... He's been needing one for awhile considering he lost his a month after our wedding... Lol but you can bet your bottom dollar I didn't spend what I did on his first one! I have a feeling this won't be his last ring.. Oh well! 

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