Wednesday, March 12, 2014

So You Wanna Play Tennis...

So you wanna play tennis. 

You wanna play in doubles. You've known your whole life that you wanted to play in a huge tournament one day, but now seems like the right time. And about this same time you get asked to play on someones team. They are just like you. They have always wanted to play, but up until now it never felt like the right thing to do. Well since you've never played a match of tennis in your life, you know that you both have a lot of training ahead; Cardio, agility, endurance, you & your team mate need to practice communication for every situation and most importantly you need to build faith in them. Of course trust is already there because they never would have asked you to play on their team and you never would have accepted the offer if you didn't trust them. But its a whole new game now. There is so much more at stake because this is a real competition with a huge reward. You have to have faith in your partner, that no matter what, they wont let the ball fly past them, and by chance they accidentally do, you know they did everything in their power to try & stop it. That they will come out with skinned knees & elbows from diving to try & save that ball. And you have to be willing to do the same. But all of this training isn't going to happen over night. No one becomes a pro tennis player by just thinking about it. You cant show up to opening day of the tournament without any practice or clue as to what is going on.

This is EXACTLY what being engaged should be like.

Just like training for a sport you have never played before, you have to give things up & take on new things. Being engaged is your "training period." You need to give up the crazy parties, bad friends, & selfishness and say hello to nights at home, compromise, & investing time & energy into a real life long relationship that truly matters.

You can't keep doing the things you were when you were single or just dating. Its time to focus & build for the future. You don't just get a ring or a "yes" & then go about your same ways. 
This is a milestone & a turning point.

You shouldn't continue to live a lifestyle that is unhealthy all the way up until the day you say "I do." 
Marriage is 100% a new playing field & people who don't treat it as something special & something to prepare for, will falter

How much do you really know about your partner?
 Is God number one in their life or do they even have a relationship with Him? Do they want children? Do they want church to play a big role in the family life? Do y'all pray together? Do they know their role as a husband or wife? Do they think its okay to still participate in activities that are inappropriate? Do they not see what is wrong with those things & why they are unhealthy for a committed relationship? Do they have dreams, goals, aspirations, the will power to make them all happen? Or do they expect to just coast by? Do y'all share the same financial goals? Or are they content with the bare minimum? Or maybe you need to see your true potential & they can help you get there?
This is all stuff that you need to discuss & work on in this time of engagement.

The sooner you begin to build this way of life the more ahead in the game you will be & the less issues you will have after you say "I do." You have got to be on the same page as your partner & for the areas that you don't agree, that is where Compromise comes in to play! 
The sooner you learn this virtuous trait, the better off you will be.

I will give you another clue into the world of marriage. NEVER underestimate what the world CAN & WILL throw at you! Just like a tennis ball being served by the other team, it is a never ending battle between your marriage & all the hits this world throws at you. 

THE BEST tennis racket = The Bible!
THE BEST Warm-up exercise = Prayer!
THE BEST coach/trainer = GOD!

Pick your team mate wisely, start training & get ready to skin up your knees, elbows & even a little face.

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